Why Only Stick to Trustworthy Suppliers for Mitragyna Speciosa?

Mitragyna speciosa suppliers have been popping up everywhere recently, but that does not mean you should trust all of them to deliver quality products.  In fact, more caution than otherwise is advised, particularly for users in the US.  After all, the products received in the country are ones that have already been processed, in most cases, given the difficulty of growing the plant itself in cool climes.  Processing always adds opportunities for contamination: the more processing steps there are, in fact, the more opportunities for adulteration may be found.  This is perhaps the first argument for why consumers should stick to only established and trusted suppliers for their kratom.

But this goes so much further than merely ensuring that the kratom you get is still viable, pure, and healthy.  To some extent, it is also a matter of ensuring the market’s future.  A lot of people trying to enter the herbal substance game are fairly unscrupulous and profit-oriented to the detriment of the culture they are trying to penetrate and ostensibly support.  Consider headshops, for instance.  While not all headshops can be described as being run by lackadaisical owners with little regard for the culture they are supposedly supporting with their products, a lot of them actually do fit in that description.

This is problematic in the sense that these shop owners do not concern themselves overly with how they represent the culture or how they portray particular substances.  Kratom, for instance, is compared to and even claimed to be “just like” illegal substances such as marijuana and even cocaine by a lot of headshop proprietors and vendors, which could present serious problems for the kratom-using community.  Mitragyna speciosa, after all, is neither illegal nor actually all that similar to either marijuana nor cocaine, and drawing lines of parallelism between a product of this type and ones that are contraband could well lead to others picking up the parallelism out of misinformation, ignorance, or pure knee-jerk fanaticism against “substances”.  To prevent such things from happening, it falls partly upon consumers to ensure that only legitimate, knowledgeable sources of the product are supported by their dollars.